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Spring Break Photography Headshot Services 2 for $100

From: Stephen
Sent on: Friday, March 7, 2014, 3:29 PM

Greetings Arts And Culture Meetup,


My name is CHR!S REEL and let me first just say "Bring the good weather on!" Well, as being a part of the Arts And Culture Meetup group, I am also a professional fine art photographer and potential filmmaker who has started my creative services in a new studio for the new year. I have been in the visual arts field for about 10+ years now and have loved every minute of my creative career.


So I would like to extend my photography services to anyone (and any referral) of this group for 2 headshots for $100.00. Appearance is really important and these portrait headshots can be used for your professional career, or your new electronic press kit (EPK), even for that social media or dating site profile (Meetup included) picture, that badly needs an updated photo. ;-)


So, the fine print is that this is only a Spring Special price and my prices will go back up to $250.00 at the first sign of Summer. My studio is conveniently located in downtown Atlanta and has flexible hours, but if you need for me to come to you that would be an additional $50.00. So take advantage while you can and definitely get out in this nice weather. Look forward to talking with you all soon.




socially @thereelchris