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Update from Sandrene Mathews on Less Than Super pilot

From: Sandrene M.
Sent on: Sunday, May 8, 2016, 8:29 PM
Hello everyone! I thought I would give you all an update on the pilot for my web series, Less Than Super.

Those of you at the January meetup heard me pitch the idea, after several months of doing rewrites from the time I first pitched last year. Things moved very quickly from that meetup, and we did casting in February, shot the pilot in March and released it several days ago, on 3 May!

I’m very proud of the project and all the hard work done by my cast and crew, many of whom are members of the Nashville Filmmakers Meetup. It was great to use all the things I’ve learned over the years on my own project, and in doing so I learned even more about the filmmaking process.

This is the cliff notes version, but I’ll be glad to share what I’ve learned and tips I have for those of you looking to do something similar. Here is a link to the pilot. Please make sure to watch all the credits to give recognition to your fellow meetup members and other great local filmmakers.

We have also launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to complete the first season. My goal is to provide opportunities to showcase the talent currently in Nashville while giving others the chance to learn on a fun and relaxed set. Well, as relaxed as filmmaking can be. If you’d like to help us make that happen, or just want to know more about the series itself and the heart behind it, check out our campaign page at