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Re: [wine-426] Welcome to the Wine Meetup Group

From: fly
Sent on: Tuesday, July 3, 2007, 8:32 PM
I'd have to say that I do like the format of bringing a favorite and doing a tasting at somebody's house.  And, quite frankly, I'm too poor to want to go to a restaurant or a big wine event.  (If I wanted to do that, I wouldn't have had to join meetup!)  Perhaps we can alternate between staying in and going out?
With that said, what about doing a tour of a local vineyard with the group?  We could tour, get a tasting, etc..  (and for poor people like me, it's probably cheaper!)

Just my two cents.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Subject: [wine-426] Welcome to the Wine Meetup Group
Date: Tue, 3 Jul[masked]:01:07 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to thank everyone for joining the wine meetup group.
The group started only about 3 weeks ago and we've already had 20
members join and we have 9 "yes" rsvps for the first meetup next
I'm really looking forward to our first meetup. This one will be
at my apartment and moving forward, perhaps we can have a different
member volunteer each month to host the event. As the group grows,
we will very quickly outgrow my apartment.
If anyone has any ideas for the group, feel free to share them - I
would love to hear them.
I'll send out a map to my apartment and more specifics on first
meetup next Monday. I'm hoping to see you all there! Feel free to
email me or call me with questions or comments.

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Hermitage, TN 37076

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one place!

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