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Makanda Inn Featured On WGN-TV

From: Greg W.
Sent on: Monday, April 15, 2013, 2:15 PM
The Makanda Inn is Illinois' premiere natural retreat and was recently featured on two episodes of WGN-TV's Cruisin' Illinois with Julian Crews.  Here are the links to the videos:

WGN Cruisin Illinois - Makanda Inn Builder on Eco-Friendly Construction - this one features an interview with me and a video tour of the inn and cottages.


WGN Cruisin Illinois - "The Magic of Makanda" - this one features the Village of Makanda and, in particular, what makes it a very cool place.

I am hoping to be able to do a presentation to the Chicago group soon about our recent cottage development, which features timber framing, strawbale, earthen plaster, living roofs and more.

I look forward to catching up with you soon.

Greg Wellman
[address removed]

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