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New Meeting: See Sound Lounge With Jen's friend Jen

From: Gregory J.
Sent on: Monday, March 3, 2008, 1:42 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The Seattle New In Town Meetup Group!

What: See Sound Lounge With Jen's friend Jen

When: Friday, March 7, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Everyone!

Why: Cuz you can say, "I'm with the person who's with the DJ" Plus, where else are you going to find a happy hour on Friday night with $3 Champagne! ;)

Meeting Description: Our good friend, Jensoko, writes:

"... my friend, Jen Woolfe, will be DJing at See Sound Lounge in Belltown on Friday night (March 7). Would be great if you wanted to let the other newbies know.

The address is 115 Blanchard. Cover is free before 10, $10 after 10, and happy hour goes from 7 to 10. That means drink and food specials and my favorite, $3 glasses of champagne!

Jen goes on before the main act (DJ Colette), so she will be spinning around 10. Might be a good idea for someone to get there relatively early to grab one of the seating areas.

Here's Jen's site:
And the See Sound site: "

I'll be there early!

Learn more here:

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