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Re: [backpackers-140] 1.5 year old lab mix needs new home.

From: Keith J.
Sent on: Thursday, December 2, 2010, 4:09 PM

Hey Derrick,

I have too many dogs already, but I'd be willing to help spread the word.

Send out a picture, and I'll put it up on Facebook.


-----Original Message-----
From: Derrick <[address removed]>
Sent: Dec 2,[masked]:29 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [backpackers-140] 1.5 year old lab mix needs new home.

Hello. I have not been able to provide Rocksy the space and time she needs. I have been working long hours and live in too small of a place for her to be happy. So if you know anyone interested in her let me know. She is an overall sweet dog, a cuddler and is fun to take hiking. She does have a TON of energy. She is a lab mix at about 75 pounds. The transition would be free and I can provide a dog pack and other gear with her. up to date on all shots. no medical problems. Email me back if interested.

Deathbed Derrick

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