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Announcing Weekend Backpacking Trip to McCauley Warm Springs

From: Jon
Sent on: Monday, October 12, 2009, 6:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New Mexico Backpackers Meetup Group!

What: Weekend Backpacking Trip to McCauley Warm Springs

When: November 27,[masked]:00 PM

McCauley Warm Springs
Santa Fe National Forest Jemez Springs Ranger Station
Jemez Springs, NM 87012

This backpacking trip over Thanksgiving weekend will give you a chance to work off some of the weight you gained eating Thanksgiving dinner. This will be a very easy trip (apart from preparing for cold weather), and should be great for any beginners. We will camp Friday night at the Jemez Falls Campground, and then on Saturday at 10am drive up to Battleship Rock. There is a free parking area on the right just beyond the turnoff to the Battleship Rock picnic area.

From Battleship Rock, we will have an easy 2.5 mile trek to our Saturday night campground, which is located just beyond the McCauley Warm Springs (the water should be about 95 degrees). Please note that if you would like to use the Springs you will need a bathing suit (people do get fined for nudity at that location) and a towel to dry off quickly when you step out into the cold air. For those who are interested, we will go on a 5 mile round trip day hike to Jemez Falls after setting up camp.

Please Note: Anyone attending our trips must have a signed Waiver & Release form on file with us. This waiver covers all trips and activities for 2009, so you only need to sign it once. If you have not already signed this form, it can be downloaded from our "Files" section and turned in to the organizer when you arrive for the trip.

Please read our RSVP Policy located in our "About" section.

Deadline for changing a "Yes" RSVP to a "No" RSVP is November 13, 2009.

Trip dates: November 27 (Friday night) thru November 29 (Sunday hike out).

Drive time to Friday night camp: 1 hour, 45 minutes from Albuquerque.

Difficulty Rating: Easy

Trail length: 2.5 miles Saturday (plus optional 5 mile day hike), 2.5 miles Sunday

Elevation Gain: 400 feet

Expected Highs: upper 40's to mid 50's

Expected Lows: low to upper 20's

Dogs are allowed.

Please contact Jon with any questions.

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