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Jump Back Ball

From: Heather
Sent on: Sunday, October 31, 2010, 4:10 PM

I was emailed an event idea from a member that I wanted to run past all of you. It won't take place until February, but the tickets are going on sale this month, so some early planning is needed. Here's the info:

"Jump Back Ball

Hosted and planned by Partners, PlayhouseSquare?s young professional donor group, Jump Back Ball has become the best annual party in Cleveland. This themed, creative black-tie event includes a VIP party with special entertainment, a buffet dinner, raffle & silent auction, and other interactive activities that take the benefit to the next level. All proceeds benefit the non-for-profit mission of PlayhouseSquare."

Apparently, the tickets always sell out early, so we'd need to jump on this right away. Tickets are $100 a piece - a bit pricey, I know. That's why I'm a bit hesitant to post this. What I want to know is how many people are interested in this event? I need a good head count in order to see if there's enough interest to put this on as an event. Please send your replies directly to me - you can do that by replying to this email.

Thanks for your cooperation!


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