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RE: [Physics-61] CLIMATE CHANGE Toronto (North York, ON) - Meetup

From: Hugh G.
Sent on: Monday, January 16, 2012, 10:31 AM
Stan is right of course.

Gaia takes no notice if the CO2 captured in a previous cycle
is released now faster than our current technology can cope
for graceful human comfort.

And nobody can deny that the ultimate agent of climate change is the Sun.
The climate changed more, and faster, before there was life on the planet
than it has during the human period.
Climate change will end only when the Sun engulfs the Earth
snuffing out all life once again.
Nothing puny humans do will change that.

Anthropocentrically speaking, the privileged and unfortunate will swap roles
as different places on Earth become differently suited for human habitation.
Not long ago the Egyptian deserts were fertile farmland,
North America veritably uninhabitable. That will change again.
One could argue that ancient Egyptian agrarian science
contributed to that change.
The fertile farmland Toronto paves over
is much more directly attributable to the last round of ice ages, though.

Anybody who doesn't like fossil fuels should go sue the dinosaurs.
Google and PepsiCo were nowhere around when those swamps were rotting.

> I had mentioned few times at this website that farm methane release as
> a larger culprit in climate change then industrial CO2. George added
> previous "civilizations" methane output. I have a question. Does
> "Mother Nature" really cares about some creatures who have to breathe
> 18% oxygen mixture? There were probably hundreds life forms during the
> life cycle of this earth who screwed up and some of them maybe even
> knowingly, like us.  It has another 5 billions years to do it right!
> Stan

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