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RE: [Physics-61] David Archers Course - Whence cometh the terms?

From: Dan K.
Sent on: Saturday, January 21, 2012, 1:49 AM
I just made them up, Joe. I didn't even know how to spell the second 
one. I just guessed.
Well, I think we should have a "d & c" debate sometime soon.
We can break the debate up into several categories.

1. preventing the cataclysm.
2. adjustment to cc. How much do we have to pay?
3. it's too late. Who's to blame?
4. Problem? What Problem? Investing in non-sustainability.

It should be a lively debate, but let's keep it serious, out of the 
respect for the 70 million refugees who will be created in this century or
out of respect for the billions wasted on unnecessary conservation measures.

At 05:53 PM 1/20/2012, Joel but you can call me JOE wrote:
>Anyone know?
>The denialists
>The cataclysmnicists
>They are excellent words wherever they come from.

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