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Re: [nvcfug] Meeting Day Changing for 2014

From: Don B.
Sent on: Friday, November 22, 2013, 10:33 AM

Thanks for all your work this last year.  I appreciate it.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Daniel Fredericks <[address removed]> wrote:

Hey all,

So we have not had a year worth of NOVACFUG meeting at our new office location in the Tysons Corner area. We have had some really great talks from some really great presenters. I hope to make year 2 that I run just as good.

We are going to have some changes this year which for some might be great, and for others it might be a change.

First, due to scheduling conflicts for me, we have decided to move the meetings to the 3rd WEDNESDAY of each month. At last night meeting I ask our large group of people and enough felt Wednesday would work for them, so Wednesday it is.

Second, we will try to run more meetings through Adobe Connect. I have to figure out some of those details, but due to the DC area being very hard to drive around in, and the fact that there are a lot of great speakers out there that are outside the DC area, we are going to branch out. So expect more sessions online through connect...this does not mean all of you stay home, but it will help out some of our friends in WV or for us all to get even better topics from other speakers.

One more thing, If you have ANY ideas for talks this year or if you know someone that you want to give a talk, or if you want to talk, please contact me fmdano at hotmail dot com and i'll work on getting in contact with that person, or put together a talk on the topic or work with you on a month to speak. Please, the more topics we have the better this year can be.

Thanks for a great 2013 and understanding these changes. Starting in December we'll be meeting 3rd wednesday at the same location. Decembers meeting will be a holiday gathering with Food, and drinks, and the bring our questions, comments, etc to the meeting and we can all work through them.


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