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Virtual assistant/basic WP

From: user 5.
Sent on: Thursday, August 2, 2012, 9:16 AM
I've used this list as a amazing source of information for almost two years, and now have a query for the group. My PR/marketing business has grown rapidly in the past few months and I now need assistance. Any recommendations on a virtual assistant company that can handle basic tasks as well as generate basic WP sites and craft coherent documents that wouldn't need extensive edits? I've done a search and found a few, which of course seem promising, but experience is surely a better gauge. Perhaps someone has an alternative suggestion, or would be interested/recommend­ a young WP savvy individual looking to build their site portfolio at a reasonable price, or better yet internship type, basis. While we're growing, I'm not at the level of being able to hire another full-time with benefits etc., but we def need to farm out work we don't physically have time to do.  Any thoughts greatly appreciated, and many thanks in advance.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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