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Re: [newtech-1] Startup things to be thankful for

From: Miles R.
Sent on: Thursday, November 22, 2012, 3:20 PM
1. We survived hurricane Sandy
2. Obama got re-elected
3. Things are getting better, for some faster for some slower.
4. Because we are in better shape then the rest of the world we are the beneficiary of historically low interest rates, if your borrowing at 3% it really should pay for itself.
5. Lack of corporate job hiring, opportunity and leadership combined with low yields has allowed for a whole generation to explore their dreams with the benefit others capital & expertise.
6. The fact that's its an increasing wired world. American sales has to increasing come from new markets overseas. 
7. It's a very good time to identify a problem, get confirmation and try and solve it.
8. It's a time when failure doesn't limit your future opportunity. Thomas Edison said you really don't fail you find what didn't work.
9. Dream bigger, it's a wonderful journey.

Happy Thanksgiving


On Nov 22, 2012, at 11:45 AM, Joe Chin <[address removed]> wrote:

On this Thanksgiving - some things to be thankful for:

1) Seed round VC is at an all-time high

2) Ruby on Rails 4 is coming (for Christmas)

3) Facebook realized that native mobile is better

4) Tiki Barber is in the startup game

5) Google Glass works - and is way cool !

6) Twitter did not nuke all their partners

7) New York Tech Meetup crossed 25k members

8) Google has started talking about standardizing Android

9) IE6 usage dropped below 1%

10) Apple became the most valuable company in history !

Please feel free to add on.


CEO, SourcePad
web + RoR + facebook + iPhone + Android

Founder & Host, Best Practices

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