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Re: [newtech-1] Suggestions for Monitoring Employees

From: EddieN
Sent on: Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 10:38 AM
True; but "streaming Netflix on office equipment during office hours" people are outliers, not the norm.

As many other people have said, spend more time hiring the right people, and trusting them to do the right thing (after being told what the rules of the road are, and the attendant penalties for breaking those rules) and spend less time trying to be a nanny. You hired adults. Trust them to act like they are adults. Them getting their work done is priority one, as long as they do so without doing anything idiotic or outlandish, you're good to go.


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Jimmy Mino <[address removed]> wrote:
Ryan, are you actually asking where the additional cost is, when you just mentioned that you used a little over 200gb last month? when a company is paying $50 for 2gb a month for work purposes and you use 50gb because you decided to stream netflix costing the company $500 instead there is a cause for concern dont you think?

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