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New Meeting: National Pigeon Day - a Pigeon Blitz!

From: Robyn
Sent on: Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:13 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Vegetarian Advocacy & Literary Roundtable (VALR)!

What: National Pigeon Day - a Pigeon Blitz!

When: Friday, June 13, 4:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Those of you interested in celebrating the life and history of a true wildlife underdog (or should it be underbird?) :)

Why: Why not? A free event in beautiful Central Park with caring, peaceful people who advocate for wildlife and nature. All who want to learn about pigeons and who respect all forms of life are welcomed.

Meeting Description: Pigeon Day: An Education Phenomenon
Friday, June 13
4 - 8 pm
Pilgrim Hill in Central Park
New York, NY
enter on 5th Avenue @ E. 72nd Street

Speakers include: Council Member Tony Avella, Nellie McKay, In Defense of Animals, Deacon Joseph Dwyer, Janice Fredericks, United Poultry Concerns, Susan Raimond, Raghav K. Goyal and Ana A. Garcia.

(please refer to the blog: for updated information and speaking schedule).

Speeches, materials distribution, candlelight prayer service with guitar accompaniment and pigeon shaped cookies. Learn how carrier pigeons Cher Ami and GI Joe saved the lives of more than 1,000 men in wartime. Become part of Project Pigeon Watch and have fun learning about our fascinating NYC residents.

Thank you to In Defense of Animals who will provide a banner, Hanna Fushihara Aron who will bake pigeon shaped cookies, God's Creatures Ministry who will provide candles, and the United Federation of Teachers Humane Education Committee who will bring Pigeon Watch materials for distribution.

Deacon Joseph Dwyer, graduate of the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey; Ordained Catholic Deacon; Vice Chancellor for Administration for the Diocese of Newark; Board Member for Catholic Concern for Animals.

Co-authored A Religious Proclamation for Animal Compassion, a document whose creation was sponsored by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Deacon Joe speaks frequently on the need for kindness and compassion toward animals to be realized as a core spiritual value. Deacon Joe has contributed stories to Angel Animals and is published on Aunt Mary's Doghouse. Also a certified veterinary technician, Deacon Joe and his wife share their lives with three beloved dachshunds; Greta, Rommel and Spartacus.

Jan Fredericks, L.P.C., M.A.
Licensed Counselor Christian Educator Founder, God's Creatures Ministry
Chair, Catholic Concern for Animals-USA
Co-author of "A Religious Proclamation for Animal Compassion".

Karen Davis, Ph.D. is the founder and president of United Poultry Concerns (UPC), an organization that addresses the treatment of chickens and other domestic fowl in food production, science, education, entertainment, and human companionship situations and promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl.

In November of 1999, Karen and UPC were profiled in 'For the Birds' in The Washington Post, winner of the Ark Trust Genesis Award for Outstanding Newspaper Feature that year, and in July of 2002, Karen was inducted into the U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame for outstanding contributions to animal liberation.

Karen is the editor of Poultry Press, the quarterly magazine of United Poultry Concerns. Her essays appear in collections that include Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations (Duke University Press, 1995), Terrorists or Freedom Fighters: Reflections on the Liberation of Animals (Lantern Books, 2004), Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Studies Journal (Center on Animal Liberation Affairs, 2005), and Encyclopedia of Animals and Humans (Greenwood, 2007). Her essay 'Procrustean Solutions to Animal Identity and Welfare Problems' is forthcoming in a collection published by SUNY Press.

Karen's books include A Home for Henny (UPC, 1994), Instead of Chicken, Instead of Turkey: A Poultryless Poultry Potpourri (Book Publishing Co., 1999), More Than a Meal: The Turkey in History, Myth, Ritual, and Reality (Lantern Books, 2001), The Holocaust and the Henmaid's Tale: A Case for Comparing Atrocities (Lantern Books, 2005), and Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look at the Modern Poultry Industry (Book Publishing Co., 1996; New Revised Edition, 2008).

Karen Davis maintains a sanctuary for chickens, turkeys and ducks at UPC's headquarters on the Virginia Eastern Shore. In 1998, Ira Glass, host of National Public Radio's This American Life, was so impressed with the chickens he met at the sanctuary that he told millions of viewers on Late Night with David Letterman, in 2007, that he hasn't eaten chicken or any other animal flesh since.

Deacon Joseph Dwyer will be conducting a Candlelight Prayer Service for the pigeons of New York City, and will be accompanied on the guitar by Jan Fredericks. Best Friends will have copies of the Proclamation available at the event.

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