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Re: New Project Tips?

From: Matthew
Sent on: Saturday, December 11, 2010, 6:06 PM
i live in LI so cant speak much to an urban living situation.  main project on my mind lately though  is vermicomposting, which is super doable anywhere, you're definitely going to want to bring in clean garden soil i'd imagine,so get a worm bin going to make yourself some good rich compost and amend it..
 try an indoor vertical-stacking system like the 'worm factory 360' or a DIY rubbermaid tub stack if you're handy.lot of how-to vids on youtube
the "worm-inn" is interesting too.and also DIY-able. there is a 7-part video series on youtube with it.  also at . i'm getting ready to build an indoor "continuous-flow" style bin, and that is where i found the ideas and plans.cant wait! i make 10-15lbs of kitchen waste per week(lot of veggie juicing). 

you will find some good posts on urban PC practices at .
 and here is a link to a 40+ hour video series of a college course on permaculture, it's great! i'm on #10 now, downloaded the whole series to watch offline.
 i should break this link off in another email actually.will do that now.

best of luck.


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