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Re: Re: [permaculture-61] Bokashi to worm bin

From: Matthew
Sent on: Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 11:27 PM
i don't think this would be harmful but i've not tried it.
 if they find the environment unsuitable they will simply try to escape mass exodus style.
i would maybe make a 'test bin' with a  handful of worms and bokashi,
or put some bokashi in one corner of your bin,check it daily for a week or 2, if they avoid that corner then you'll know..i think they'll swarm it once it's settled. i feed my kombucha scoby to them and it's gone quickly !

about outdoor bin designs. i built my current one from recycled cedar fencing in an afternoon. if i wanted it to last longer (and actually spend a dime on it) i could have lined the inside with plastic sheet,tarp,rigid foam panels etc...this wood was decaying already so i'm just slowly composting it as a "bin" . (i had way too much of the fencing to use up,still do!)  it is a "continuous flow-through system",  2'x6'x4'tall (3' chamber and 1' space below for harvesting) i have a lot of info on it on our garden facebook page below, find the "vermicomposting" album,  there are also 3d model designs i made for an indoor bin with grow-light shelves incorporated above, i checked on the bin recently, the top inside was frozen in many spots, the worms didnt seem to care! ,they were still eating some kitchen scraps and wiggling across solid ice..they definitely are less active now but they seem in no risk of dying which i'm real happy about. i had started ten stacking-bucket systems in the basement in case they did perish out there.

someone also said they were going to turn their raised bed into a worm farm by adding soil and compost layers,,i dont think that's the best way to achieve your goals.compost worms live in compost not soil from all i understand of them.

 if you want to create an in-ground worm farm the best design i've seen is "the boxwood vermicompost system"

i'll be doing this in the passive-solar composting greenhouse i hope to build this year.
i just spent the last couple days salvaging twin-wall polycarbonate panels and other materials from three 60' commercial greenhouses!  we definitely welcome helping hands on this undertaking when it gets underway!

hope this helps
happy composting

Tribal Wind Arts
Baldwin Organic Garden-Share

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