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RE: [permaculture-61] Natural Building Colloquium - Last Chance to Register

From: Sean
Sent on: Monday, July 30, 2007, 4:43 PM

Matt wrote up a "sample" agreement for the Brooklyn group to be a part of the GPP network.  In principle, it would be the intent for the Brooklyn group to be GPP, but it must ultimately come from those individuals who form the group.  I'm working under the same principle in Inwood.  We still need to modify the bylaws to account for this interaction.

Some ideas I've been thinking about involve also forming "urban farmers cooperative" to access the resources of the farmers markets, plus a legal structure for common ownership of resources.  Forming an LLC, the best ownership legal structure, turns out to be more expensive in NYC than forming a charity ($2000+ verses $1000+, due to publishing extortion requirements).  Ex:  A charity may be an owner of an LLC (offload liability risk, such as for a potential transportation network if that became a part of our operations).

Joan <[address removed]> wrote:

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