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photos from Brazil and compost class

From: Frances A.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 9:12 AM
Hi everyone,

In case you missed the photos at the meet-up last night from our permaculture trip to Brazil, here's the link to the slide show on Picasa.

We highly recommend WWOOF-ing as a way to learn the most and see the best of any country on a budget!?

Also, someone at last night's meet-up mentioned they were interested in starting a composting program in their building.? On?April 10th there will be a one-hour class on how to set up a community composting program in your garden or neighborhood. This class will take place at the La Plaza Cultural Garden on 9th Street and Avenue C in the East Village in Manhattan.?
For more info go to the Lower East Side Ecology Center site:?

See you soon.

Frances & Diego

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