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Re: LPTHW Saturday class

From: Gloria W
Sent on: Sunday, March 17, 2013, 3:43 AM
Hi all,

This class is moving to AlleyNYC starting Saturday 3/23.

I've had several people state that hosts (event organizers) aren't 
showing regularly. So I've taken everyone off except two. If you wish to 
continue to host, you should contact me once again, and I'll  add you.

I want to state some other important practices as well:
- When teaching someone else, try not to type form them. Tell them what 
to type instead.
- If you're guiding a group, continually ask if people are comfortable 
with what you're doing. Tell them you plan on moving fast/slow, and what 
ypu plan on covering. Continually find out if people are uncomfortable 
with your technique, and encourage them to switch groups if it's not 
right for them.

The Saturday group is going well. I recommend not trying to enforce too 
much structure in one direction. This will destroy the flow of others 
moving at different rates.

Saturday attendees: If you've recently been discouraged by too much 
structure in a way that didn't work for you, please return/keep coming. 
We're fixing this. Feel free to speak up if you are present and you feel 
as if things aren't going as you think they should write to me 
personally if you're not comfortable stating this publicly. This 
Saturday meetup is for you, and you should feel free to guide/shape your 
subgroup in ways that will help you.

I am still working on getting CodeAcademy to offer in-person space for 
taking courses. In the interim, if your Saturday subgroup votes to 
switch to CodeAcademy, go for it.

Thank you,