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Aces February News Letter

From: Joe G.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 5:57 AM

February, 2012

Comin Soon!
Opening day boat trip on
McCovey cove
in the works Stay tuned!
Get your Ace's Gear online! If something's out of stock shoot us an email. CLICK HERE
This shirt is earned not purchased!
Ask David Dow and Hal Whalen, They'll tell you all about it!
(yes Nick Fogle, I cropped you out of the picture)
Winner of the Ace's 7th annual chili contest!
Congratulations Briana!

March madness is right around the corner!
New 55' LED TV w/ plenty of specials!

Tara, thank you for always remaining profesional and treating aces like you own the joint!


Ace's Bar
998 Sutter ST. San Francisco Ca. 94109
Phone: (415)[masked]
Thanks to all the fans, friends, and patron's who made the NFC championship game and Superbowl A success!

Ottis Anderson& Batchagaloop boys at Ace's
License Plate Joe

The voice of the NY Giants Bob Papa

Extra special Thanks to Brian Doyle of
J.P. Doyle's in Sleepy Hollow NY.

Selim, Thanks for the great article in the Ny Post. Your checks in the mail!  READ HERE

We have the NHL package catch the first place NY rangers and all Hockey Games at Ace's!

LInsanity Continues! Stoudamire and Carmello are back w/ new addition  JR Smith! all just in time for a playoff run!?

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998 Sutter ST, San Francisco, CA, 94109

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Joseph W Gonsalves II

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