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We are back! Off The Hook Networking

From: Dan B.
Sent on: Friday, March 26, 2010, 12:17 PM
Announcing Our Next Meeting for Off The Hook Networking for Entrepreneurs!

What: Off The Hook Networking

When: Thursday, April 1,[masked]:45 PM

The Old Spaghetti Factory
111 N Twin Oaks Valley Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069

WE ARE BACK!!! And geared up to take action to grow our businesses! This is not speed networking that you have to say the same thing 50 times to 50 different people. This not the typical networking that you say what you do once to the group, and nobody knows what you do because they were thinking about what they were going to say. This is not exclusive networking that may limit the amount of people you get to meet. THIS IS "OFF THE HOOK NETWORKING" AND GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST FORMAT TO BUILD RELATIONSHIPS AND BUILD YOUR BUSINESS!!! Do you want to know what "Off The Hook Networking" is? Then come check us out April 1st 2010 at 5:45PM at my favorite place, The Old Spaghitti Factory.

Dan Boe
Inner Fire Presentations

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