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Re: [alternativeenergy-179] New ideas for this meetup group.

From: V R P.
Sent on: Sunday, January 17, 2010, 12:57 PM
Hello. Some talk about politics is OK, but I see the main objective of the group to be:
1) enabling members to explore ways to use alternative energy and sharing information toward this end
2) bonding of people with similar views on the environment and ecology.
V R Pillay
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 17,[masked]:01 AM
Subject: RE: [alternativeenergy-179] New ideas for this meetup group.

I do have one question.  I would like to use oil burning lanterns that mount on walls.  I am worried about fire though.  How do I get around this fear, or is there a lantern that is made that address this? 

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [alternativeenergy-179] New ideas for this meetup group.
Date: Sun, 17 Jan [masked]:12:04 -0500

I haven't had a chance to get more meetings going but things have slowed down a bit and I have a lot of new ideas. I want to open these meetings up for free but organized discussion sessions. Not really a seminar anymore but sometimes I will get some speakers in or myself. A lot of people now have gotten the information I used to teach through calling other companies in this industry, media and many other ways. I also want to get a better network going to discuss things about living off grid and not falling for all these technologies that don't benefit you and only benefit very large companies.

I will lead the discussions but I want to hear what people's concerns are about the future of our nations energy grid, the way we live, etc... I don't have all the answers on how to move things forward but I do have the skills and experience from years of being in the alternative energy business to help people paint a much better picture of the future. I also have a lot of experience and input on why this industry will make or completely break our country and it digs deeper into the surface of globalization. For instance the way things are being subsidized, foreign manufacturing and government involvement. Most of which is causing a complete crash of the renewable energy industry and will continue to do so unless we educate people.

Lets see if we can get this group a little bigger and talk more politics and educate the people who want to continue to live the old way to change or else face the consequences. Any suggestions I'm all ears! Oh and I'm going to only hold these in the Dallas metro area for now.


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