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openMoko linux cell phone. Oh yes! It will be mine!

From: John F.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 5:22 PM
As it turns out, they sold out of the 900MHz capable versions.;1584423557;fp;2;fpid;1

We in North America need the 850MHz version and they just hadn't posted them as of meeting time!
Also the link to buy from their USA office at is useless:
a) cratered early Friday (under the load?) and was down until Monday morning.
b) just a circular link back to, no way to buy!

I have placed my order on and we should be able to play with it by next meeting. (company) (community)

I love my palm Treo - but it is about physically worn out and I am tired of rebooting it all time. I had to jump soon anyway - at least this is in the open direction!

Fingers Crossed,
John Fields
Your guide to the world of linux fanboys

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