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2 network queries

From: mowglie
Sent on: Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 2:23 AM
  1. are VLANs as secure as using 2 separate switches for each LAN?  the LANs in this case are a wired, internal LAN & a wireless, public LAN.
  2. you guys once told me to use a separate box as my firewall from the server itself.  so if my servers are hosted at linode,
    1. should have fire up a 3rd linode to function purely as my firewall for the other server linodes?  or just config firewall on each server is same benefit?
    2. if a sep fw linode is better, is a basic linode fine or does it need some hefty RAM/CPU capacity to prevent latency & bottlenecks for the servers?  i imagine the basic linode pkg is fine since the fw linode is just passing/rejecting packets based on fw rules.
    3. does linode have a fw feature of some kind for exactly this purpose so that i dont have to run a sep linode just for the fw?

should we make the mtg this sat all things fw?  if so i can submit my crappy fw for exhaustive review/reprimand/rectumfication.

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