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Rackspace in Atlanta this Thursday

From: Niki A.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 3, 2013, 4:55 PM

I know it's short notice, but Rackspace is hosting a Hybrid Cloud all day briefing in Atlanta at the W Hotel Buckhead location this Thursday and we have a few seats left. Topics will include OpenStack (including a hands-on lab), automating with Opscode Chef, and the economics of cloud. There is no charge for the event, and lunch will be provided. The event will wrap with a cocktail reception.

The event starts at 8:30am, includes lunch and refreshments, and wraps with a cocktail reception at 5:30pm.  If you or anyone on your team is interested in attending, send me their contact info, including name, role, phone number, and email address, and I'll send you the schedule and get you registered.


Niki Acosta
OpenStack Evangelista

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