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New Meetup: Oktoberfest at Gasthaus Bavaria

From: Sue
Sent on: Monday, July 20, 2009, 8:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for MN & WI Outdoor & Snow Lovers!

What: Oktoberfest at Gasthaus Bavaria

When: September 19,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)


Huge festival tent, German food, Beer and wines. The Artie Schaefer band for your polka pleasures. If you haven't done the Beer Barrel or Chicken polka you haven't lived. Plus, it's great exercise and will build strong legs for skiing and improve your lung capacity for skiing the mountain. Truely, dancing is great exercise. You can also build upper body strength through Hammerschlugging (sp?)

There is a slight charge at the tent entrance and I'll update the info later with the price and how to connect with everyone.

This event is going to be in conjunction with 2 other MeetUps that I organize. First we are golfing in the area through the Minneapolis Golf MeetUp and going to the Gasthaus afterwards where we'll meet up with this group and the Minneapolis Travel MeetUp. I will probably invite other MeetUp groups to come and join us also so we can have a regular celebration!

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