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Photo of Regina
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What is the meaning of life? How does the search for meaning in the 21st century impact our daily lives and how we relate to each other? This Philosophy group takes a slightly different approach to discussing philosophical ideas. The primary purpose of the group is to enhance personal growth by developing a sense of community and using philosophy as a platform for self discovery. We use various lecture series as a jumping off point for our discussions. In order to develop the freedom and time for all participants to share ideas and to build on the discussion, the size of the group is limited in size. Each person participating in the group is asked to commit to regular attendance. APDG members who are interested in participating in this group should contact the event host, Regina at 348-7412 with any questions. There is currently a waiting list to become a member of this group.

Photo of Austin Philosophy Discussion Group (APDG) group
Austin Philosophy Discussion Group (APDG)
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