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Portrait class in Los Gatos Feb 2, 2008

From: Jeffery L.
Sent on: Thursday, January 10, 2008, 1:19 PM
?Getting Great Portraits? ? on Saturday February 2, 2008 from 2PM- 6PM Fee $79.

Description: No matter what type of camera you have, film, digital or video, this class teaches you how to use natural and artificial light to get professional quality portraits of individuals and groups. This simplified system is based upon the five basic lighting patterns used in Hollywood films and professional portrait studios. There's no experience necessary with this system because we start at the very beginning and use the auto exposure mode for the whole process. You'll learn about soft lighting, hard lighting, solving common problems, and making tough lighting situations work for you. Your people pictures will look totally different after this class! Handouts are included in the fee. Bring your camera to class.

Instructor: Jeffery Jay Luhn is a professional photographer with 28 years of experience. Visit his website at

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