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PhotoSA: "Size Does Matter" -The pixel secrets

From: Jim L.
Sent on: Thursday, December 9, 2010, 1:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for PhotoSA: The San Antonio Photography Meetup Group!

What: "Size Does Matter" -The pixel secrets

When: Thursday, January 13,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Dominion Country Club
1 Dominion Drive
San Antonio, TX 78257

Digital is great! It has made things so much easier for photographers and clients... Or has it? You need to know about the digital mistakes that most photographers make and the easy ways to optimize your images for flawless, beautiful quality.

Our very own member, James Theopistios, will be presenting this "need to know" information. For those that do not know, each month we have a Photographers' Challenge, the winner gets their image printed as a 16x20 which is presented to them at the meeting. This canvas and the $100 gift certificate are donated by James Theopistos of

Please take just a moment to RSVP.

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