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*****PHP Meetings, time for sharing, please suggest a location.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 9:02 AM

Hello everyone,

Please suggest a location that has free wi-fi.

It is important that we reply to my questions in this message, because it will affect the time and place of future meetings.

I am planning to start having a time for sharing at the beginning of each meeting.

That is to say, one person would give a short, informal presentation, like a show-and-tell.  Please don't let that word "presentation" throw you.  It would be very informal, as for example, merely a cluster of four or five people around a laptop.

I already have a volunteer to be the first.  Max will kick us off with a small presentation on PHP/MySQL applications on December 1st.

Who else would like to be a show-and-teller?  I will try to schedule us and promote the meetings.

There are two meetings in the near future.  The first will take place on
Saturday, December 1st, 12:00pm (Noon), at Good Earth Cafe,[masked]th St SW.  The second will take place on
Sunday, December 16th, at 12:30pm, at Yamato Dessert Cafe, 1322 Centre St NE.

These are 11 and 26 days from now.

Please go now and reply.

I will just repeat the two questions to remind us.

Where is free wifi?

Who wants to share?

I am looking forward to seeing us all at the meetings!
