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Growler Hours at East End Brewing Company

From: Mike
Sent on: Sunday, July 5, 2009, 3:36 PM
Announcing something a little different: a brewery visit to East End Brewing Company.

We probably won't round up enough people for a full-scale brewery tour, so we have decided to keep it simple--a bit of a "self-tour" during Growler Hours. You'll have a chance to sample every beer Scott currently has on tap and, if you like, fill up a Growler while you're there.

East End Brewing Company
6923 Susquehanna St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15208

After our visit to East End, the meetup will shift over to The Map Room, which is nearby in Regent Square. There, you will find several of Scott's beers available on tap.

The Map Room
1126 S. Braddock Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Follow-On Meetup: The Map Room

Driving from one to the other...

RSVP for each event separately, and feel free to check out either or, depending on your availability. For those of you that buy a growler and want to keep it cold during dinner, I'll have a cooler in the back of my car.

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