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New Meetup: Anniversary Party!

From: FlordeMaria
Sent on: Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 10:13 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Minneapolis / St. Paul Portuguese Language Meetup Group!

What: Anniversary Party!

When: February 13,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Join us to celebrate our Third Anniversary with a fun dinner at "Erte's"

It has been a great year of fun learning, networking, picnics, bbqs, samba parties, jantar mensals, etc. Most of all it has been a memorable year of meeting great people like you and maintaining your friendship.

Not only the above, but some members have actually "learned" some portuguese, as is the case of our friend Matt His portuguese is so good, that his company is sending him to Brasil for six months!

Thanks to the first organizers Jerry, Matt and Mike we are still meeting weekly, learning, and having fun!

After the dinner a few "adventures" are planning to go for an after dinner drink somewhere around the area.

Looking forward to see you there!


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