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A special event right in your own back yard

From: Dr. Ritamarie L.
Sent on: Friday, April 18, 2014, 10:15 PM

You are obviously interested in health and nutrition or you would never have signed up for this group, right?

So I have a very special invitation for you.

Come spend 3 days with me, right here in Austin Texas, May 2-4.  You will be inspired, eat great food (all meals included for 3 day on the VIP ticket), listen to world class health and nutrition experts, get a goodie bag filled with great gifts, have a chance to win raffle prizes (top prizes is a Green Star Juicer, valued at $450).

It's a rare opportunity to spend an entire weekend with other health enthusiasts, learn new recipes, eat delicious food and be pampered.  You will leave with what you need to become energetic, balanced and vibrant.

As a special for meetup members only, you will also gt access to a LIVE cleanse I am doing in June and 2 months membership in my VITAL Health community.

Register HERE:

Live in Austin Texas....

I look forward to being together soon.

Love, Health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie







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