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Recipes and Pictures - woohoo

From: Goddess
Sent on: Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 9:24 PM

Our last RawFood Meetup on Saturday,[masked] at the Yellow Green Market was rawlicious.

A great big thaHAhank you for all the yummy dishes and the speakers who shared wisdom and information.

A few pictures are missing and just a few recipes are missing.  However, most of the yummiest dishes are listed and fabulous photos are enclosed to remind you of their taste and entice you to try these at home.

Check out PAGE 1 and PAGE 2 for this Meetup's rawlicious sharings.

You can always find our recipes and pictures if you go to the PAGES tab on top - all of our meetups are listed.  You can also check out yummy photos of our Meetups at the PHOTOS tab on top.


SisterGoddess Asa of ON THE LIME is doing lunches at vegan and raw restaurants.  Her first one happened on Friday,[masked].  She got Jason, owner and chef at the Gourmet GreenHouse, a vegan restaurant with some raw dishes, to create an all raw buffet for her and her guests.    Gourmet GreenHouse is here in Hollywood, on the second floor of a metaphysical center.  We are hoping that Jason will keep adding raw dishes to his menu - especially his sushi nori rolls.  Here are some mouthwatering photos of that experience.  Click HERE

Planning our next raw food potluck meetup.

Wishing you and your family a Hahahappy and healthy ThaHAhanksgiving HolyDay.

Wishing you, 
Peace & Love, Just Because,

SisterGoddess Goddess & Brother From Another Mother NoahaHAha

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