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Woohoo - our next Raw Food Potluck - Tomorrow

From: Goddess
Sent on: Saturday, May 31, 2014, 9:20 PM


Dear Juicy Rawlicious Tribe,

Tomorrow we get together at one of my favorite sacred spaces to truly enjoy raw food and its flavors and artistry and juiciness.

We will explore the trees at Eucalyptus Gardens and all the crops growing in Mother Earth.  We will tour Seed of Life Bistro and interview Chef Cristina.  We can shop the crop at Urban Life Green Market.  We shaHAhare and eat and play.  Woohoo!!!

Looking forward to seeing you in this little bit of Heaven on Earth.

GENTLE REMINDER:  To play, you share an organic vegan RAW dish for 20 peeps.  Bring a nice dish to display your creation and a serving utensil.

A $10 LOVE donation for those who play without sharing.



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