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June Newsletter is Here!

From: Paul
Sent on: Friday, May 29, 2009, 8:17 PM
Hi Everyone:

First off, I would just like to express to you how ecstatic I am about the impact our group is making in our community! Your enthusiasm is contagious!

There has been so much planning and activity in store for the next coming weeks, that I had to put out our first ever 2-page newsletter for the month of June!

So here it is, and ready for you to download! I thought I would get your Newsletter out to you a few days early because there are so many incredible presentations to choose from this month! And with all that���s happening with your Dads and Grads, I wanted to make certain that you would have plenty of options to choose from this month. But if you want to attend them all, I just have to say: Do It!!! Let���s have the best time ever. And what would any presentation be without the best food on the planet? Let���s Eat!

Here���s a brief itinerary for June:

First weekend of June:
Raw Spirit Festival in Santa Barbara:

June 9th: Tour de Health!

June 13th: Presentation by Motivational Speaker Emily Shaules!

VOTE on the subject that you are the most interested in for Emily Shaules��� Presentation!

June 20th: Lavender Festival in Cherry Valley!­

June 27th: Ice Cream Mania!

All of these events involve the healthiest best tasting food ever! I look forward to seeing you there!

Happy June with lots of love and galaxies of gratitude!


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