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Meetup details changed: David Wolfe Live! ONLY 10 TICKETS LEFT!!!

From: Hyacinth M.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 9:56 AM
Are you coming to see David Wolfe next Tuesday? David and I would love to see you there! There are only 10 tickets left and we will be closing the sign ups. If you want to come and hear the best info on raw foods, superfoods, longevity, weight loss and more then see the full listing and secure your place:

When: Tuesday, April 27,[masked]:00 PM

CGI Holistic Fitness Center
111 Homans Ave
Closter, NJ 07624

Price: $30.00 per person

You can click the pay link on this Meetup page or go to and click on 'Events'

If you have any questions, you can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:

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