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Business Survey Spreadsheet (Arnold MO)

From: Adams J.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 2:15 PM
Hi All
    In our continuing desire to inform and teach small business, especially in the St. Louis Area, please find the attached Excel spreadsheet.  It's in my older Excel but not so complex that it wouldn't work in all versions.  This short evaluation exercise helps our business in a new light.   How we think we are doing vs how we're really doing and how someone else might see us.
    Read the Notes tab and then answer the few questions on the Business Questions tab.  And view the results numerically on that tab and then graphically in the Results chart.
    This spreadsheet has worked great for the individual business and now we hope to expand it to interactive questions as a group at our next small business lectures.   Our goal is to compare data even from different kinds of groups (anonomously, of course).
Please let us know of any changes to be done and any questions that might should be added...
And we look forward to seeing you at our next lecture.

Thank you so much!

Jerry Airsman

Public Accountant
Chief Financial Officer
Small Business Specialist
The spreadsheet to me is like the piano was to Mozart !

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