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More details on the GoCode CO hackathon

From: John W.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 2:23 PM
Hey refresh’ers I wanted to follow up my previous email about the GoCode CO hackathons that will be taking place later this month. I also wanted to add more details to entire process. A few folks replied about volunteering, w00t! Thanks for that. If you’re interested in volunteering you and RSVP as a volunteer.

This is a statewide project from the Governor's and Secretary of State's offices that was announced recently and is taking place in our area. Our community will have a chance to compete for cash awards in a first-of-its-kind competition to build business across Colorado.

Go Code Colorado is an apps challenge designed to make public data more accessible and user-friendly. Teams of developers and entrepreneurs across the state will compete to solve business problems and grow our economy, by building apps that will help Colorado companies thrive. Build apps. Build business. Build Colorado. To get involved, visit

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Create apps at a Challenge Weekend near you (primarily for developers, project managers, designers, etc.)

  • Partner (provide financial or in-kind support for the project)

  • Volunteer (help out at events by getting people signed in, setting up food, etc.)

  • Mentor (supporting those working on creating apps)

Thanks guys, see you on the 12th. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or at the next refresh.

John Wilker
Founder, 360|Conferences
CEO, Denwhere?
twitter: jwilker | 360|intersect | 360|Stack | 360|iDev

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