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Important Reminder, Refresh Denver Holiday party is Tomorrow the 2nd.

From: John W.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 8:24 AM
Hey everyone!

Tomorrow is our Holiday party! There is no regular meeting this month. If you RSVP'ed on the Meetup site for tomorrow, please go here and RSVP. We're using a single site to know how many to expect. It's gonna be a great party! Our host Strings is providing free valet parking and appetizers! (Cash bar, sorry lushes!)

It's a joint effort with the Mile High Social Media Club, and the CO Podcasters and supports a great charity, the Cunningham Foundation.

We're asking for $5 when you RSVP (you can pay online or at the door), which goes toward helping the Foundation do good works like the Step By Step program.

Let's send 2009 packing with a great party, with great folks! Make sure you RSVP so we know to expect you.

Also thanks to our sponsors, Indie Arsenal, IxDA Colorado, HotPress Web, and Industrial Wisdom

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