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New Meetup: To the Water Tower (with apologies to Virginia Woolf)

From: Steve
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2009, 8:08 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Rochester Hiking Meetup Group!

What: To the Water Tower (with apologies to Virginia Woolf)

When: September 20,[masked]:00 AM

Mendon Ponds Park
pond road/clover street
Mendon, NY 14506

To the Water Tower (with apologies to Virginia Woolf)
September 20 at 10 a.m.
Mendon Ponds Park
Approx. 6 miles,
Moderate difficulty with several steep hills

Meet in the gravel parking lot across from Round Pond and Lost
Pond on Douglas Road.
We'll access the East Esker Trail where it is visible from
Douglas Road and follow it into a wooded section of the park
and eventually out into a meadow. Continuing on East Esker
we'll pass near enough to a local dog kennel that we'll be able
to hear all the happy dogs at play. From there we'll head back
into the woods and stay there until we emerge at the water
tower. After that, we'll hop over onto the North Meadow Trail
and follow it all the way around, eventually returning to the
East Esker Trail which we will follow back to our starting

For your reference, here is a link to a map of the park.

Questions: Call Kristin at[masked].

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