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New Voter registration rules and Obama Mobilization

From: John W.
Sent on: Saturday, September 1, 2012, 9:41 PM
ALERT - Voter Registration - New less Restrictive rules Information
It appears a federal judge has ruled or is about to rule that the new Fl law relative to voter registration is too restrictive.
Was at Merritt Island Library today and a team from "Florida Organization for America" was in the lobby registering library patrons. Their method is to get the patron to fill out the application and sign it then "This organization" then turns it in to SOE office. In the mean time they have the application in their possession. Asked man if we could just take the application, fill out at home and send to SOE...said NO he had to take it to the SOE.
I called Eddie Thompson @ SOE office and he verified that their was some sort of ruling this week that allows this type of activity. He promised to send me the actual ruling Monday
During the primary the rules were very different we could not touch the application or mail it even for the person registering.
When asked how he got involved doing this he said the Obama Campaign called and asked him to be a volunteer with this "no partisan" organization and help get people registered to vote.
It appears as soon as the judges ruling hit the street the Obama campaign mobilized and got activities started.....the battle has just begun.....standby for lots of hanky panky with voters......John.