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Fed Protest

From: Dallas M.
Sent on: Friday, September 19, 2008, 2:16 PM
NYC Liberty Activists,

As some of you are aware, I am putting together a little PR Stunt/ Protest at the Federal Reserve on Monday at 5pm.  We are printing up Monopoly Money dollars w/ Ben Bernanke's face on it and handing them out to the public outside of the Federal Reserve.  We'll all be wearing business suits ( black preferably) and carrying brief cases full of Bernanke Dollars. I plan on sending out press releases and calling into radio stations to get some exposure. 

With the financial melt-down in full swing, we have an opportunity to get a lot of press and exposure.

I would like to get together on Sunday night to prepare for the event.  Plan on making a few signs and helping with the printing of the dollars/flyers.  If you aren't available to participate but still want to help, I need someone to do the following

  • We need someone to design a back to the dollar that has the following

The Federal Reserve is a private bank
The Federal Reserve has never been audited

The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air
The Federal Reserve destroys your savings
The Federal Reserve uses your savings to bail out corporations

The Federal Reserve caused the financial crises

The U.S dollar is as valuable as a Monopoly money

Here is what the paper will look like.

We also need 2 people to video tape and take pictures - if you have a video camera and want to participate, please let me know

When: Monday @ 4:45
The park east of the Federal Reserve
What to bring:
Black Suit and a Brief Case

This will only work if there are at least 10 -15 people involved.  If there aren't enough RSVP's we'll delay it a few days till we can gather a crowd. 

RSVP asap so we can find an appropriate place to meet on Sunday and so we can print enough materials.

Don't hesitate to call me

And for you college students:  BRING YOUR GROUPS WITH YOU!

I can assure you that with enough people and some manipulation we can get HUGE press for the cause

Dallas Moorhead

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