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*****Roommate meeting.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Friday, March 14, 2014, 6:37 AM

Hello, Everyone.

There is a meeting in the near future.  It will take place on
Saturday, April 26th, at 2:00pm, Sunterra Keynote Market,[masked]th Av SE.

Many of us still have not filled out our profile.  If you haven't
done so already, please sign into the site, and do so.

Answering the profile questions is the most important thing that we
can do to make this group work for us.  Think of it from the other
person's point of view.  If you read somebody's profile and there is
absolutely no information there, wo uld you contact that person?  If
you want people to contact you, you must put something in your
profile that will encourage them to do so.

Also, each of us should scan the member list, and contact the other

We should attend the meetings, especially if someone of the other
type is attending, that is to say, if we are looking for a room, and
someone who has a room has replied "YES", we should go.  Likewise,
if we have a room, and someone who is looking for a room has replied "YES", we should go.

Please go now and reply.

I am looking forward to seeing us at the meetings!
