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Organizer Taking Break

From: Eric L.
Sent on: Thursday, January 12, 2012, 6:58 AM

Hello Arthouse Movie Lovers,


I want to announce that I will be taking a one month break from hosting and organizing events. I have some personal matters that need my full attention. I estimate that I will return hosting an event sometime during the second week of February. I have spoken with the Leadership Team (Assistant and Event Organizers) for some help while I step back and they have assured me a few events will be posted soon. Also, the suggestion box is always open so if there’s a movie you would like to see with others and you don’t mind being the point person go right ahead and post your idea in the suggestion area.


Thank you for your time and patience and look forward to a great February.


Eric Lallana


San Diego Arthouse Movies

[address removed]


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