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New Meetup: SEMpdx January Event: Paid Search Seminar

From: Todd M.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 3:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Portland Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group!

What: SEMpdx January Event: Paid Search Seminar

When: January 12,[masked]:00 PM

Hotel deLuxe
729 SW 15th Ave
Portland, OR 97205

Pay-Per-Click or PPC marketing is a highly effective method to reach potential customers online. This never-ending auction-style advertising strategy has revolutionized the way people buy or find things online and can jumpstart any Web site marketing campaign.

However, as every paid search marketer can attest, a successful campaign requires special attention to a number of factors, such as keyword research, A/B testing, creative copy, multi-variate testing, spend-cap management to name a few. Join the SEMpdx crew on Tuesday, January 12th for an evening of paid search marketing education.

On Tuesday, January 12th, we will cover the following:

Paid search best practices.
Tips, tools and resources.
Paid search strategy.
Testing, reporting and analytics.
This presentation will be filled with actionable tips and insights for both beginners and experts.

When: January 12th, 2010 at 6:00pm ? 7:30pm
Where: Hotel deLuxe 729 SW 15th Ave, Portland, OR

To purchase tickets, please click the following link:

Learn more here:

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