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Re: [electronicmusic-136] Anyone have a Music Venue?

From: Roxann
Sent on: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 10:43 PM
Hi David,
What type of "style" are you looking for in a venue? Also, is size important?

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:41 PM, David <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey guys,

My name is David and I am in an electro band called Deathjazz (think Justice/MSTRKRFT music). ?We just got off of our Swedish tour, where we opened for Steve Aoki, MGMT, and more. ?We were planning on starting our California tour in March.?


We were planning on shooting a music video, and we were wondering if anyone could help us find a venue to shoot at. ?We have the director (Ghost Face Killa, Twista, Cool Kids), a photographer and the crowd. ?We were thinking of shooting it on February 23rd of this month. ??

I would really appreciate any help and direction on this. ?Thanks so much guys!




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