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HTML5DevConf Regular tickets deadline

From: Ann B.
Sent on: Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:49 PM
HTML5DevConf regular ticket tier is scheduled to run out soon after which prices go up.

We also added 5 tickets to about six sold out classes - you may wish to check that also before they are gone (crossed out ones are already at the extended limit), We want to keep the ratio for individual attention high so we cannot simply keep extending numbers, if you are interested it's suggested to sign up for those available. 

HTML5DevConf takes pride in high quality leading edge sessions and expert training with individual attention. We do it so it is also financially accessible, which is unusual and difficult in San Francisco especially when also vendor product independent. 

In that vein if you wish to volunteer some time in exchange for a ticket  we provide a way for that also, contact us if interested. 


-HTML5DevConf Team

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