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Regards: 44th Cantonese Meetup Updates

From: Edwin R.
Sent on: Monday, December 27, 2010, 11:37 AM
Hi everyone,

I have made a reservation for the restaurant on Thursday at 7:30pm but we are limited to a table of 12 - 13 seats only for those who are definately confirm coming! please please please SMS to me with your name and number of pax coming to[masked]. we need to get the confirmation of the people coming as some of the members who always yes but never show up!

I am suggesting to the members who have RSVP YES for the dinner to come, if not kindly give up the
space for those who wants to come earlier as today is already Monday and the dinner is on thursday
for those who are confirm coming I will see all you guys there as we will all be having a good time munching all the way!

Yours Sincerely

Edwin Wong

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